Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Why I Love San Pedro

Nearly every day, R and I will look at one another and one of us will enthusiastically comment, "Have I mentioned lately that I love where we live?!" Sometimes this happens while we're out walking the dogs, sometimes while we're preparing dinner, sometimes on a weekend morning over breakfast. We are very content in our home, our neighborhood, and our city.

A few of the many reasons I love where I am:
the Harbor!

I've always loved hilly neighborhoods, so it brings me great joy to be in one.  As I drive home from work every day, I drive up and down a series of hills, with magnificent Catalina Island finally coming into view. The home stretch is a ninety degree turn towards Palos Verdes with more brilliant blue water and beautiful hills in sight. It all shifts out of view as I coast down to our house, nestled at the bottom of the street. Living among hills is a visual feast- there is always something to gaze upon and engage with. Although the neighborhood is circa 1960, I don't get bored with the sight of ranch houses. They don't wait tiredly in line but instead seem to dance upon the landscape. Our home, although lacking an ocean view, faces south towards Catalina. The front facade is always bathed in light, and it feels as though the house is looking out to sea.

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