Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Happy Day!

I was fully expecting to have to wait for snail mail regarding the Nursing Program...  But lo and behold, when I checked one of my email accounts, there it was: an invitation to take the TEAS test!  Woo hoo!  This is good news.

Unfortunately, I'll have to miss a half-day of EMT class (and missed classes are required to be made up via a private tutoring session with the instructor, at a cost of more than $100- ouch!) but sacrifices have to be made.  The email arrived in my alternative email account, the one I don't check every day...  Boy, it's a good thing I checked it this morning!  The TEAS has a registration deadline of this Thursday; had I not seen the email in time, I would have been SOL!

Ok, in the middle of writing this, R called...  He got my phone message (I immediately left him a message at work).  We just chatted about a variety of things, and it sounds like he's having a good day so far.  However, neither of us said a single word about the Nursing Program.

I know that he's nervous...  Two years of schooling (full time, no less) is a huge undertaking.  But I have to make it work, somehow... I need to cast off this underachiever's mantle!  It's time to achieve, baby.  And this will be just a first step, because I know I won't be happy with just an ADN.  A BSN- yeah, that would be ok, an MSN, now we're talking...  Training in a specialty, like CRNA or NP or CNS- that's where it has to lead.  I'm impatient to get on with my life as a professional.

In fact I'm annoyed I have to undertake the first two years of training at all...  It's so 1996 (the year I was first accepted into a Nursing Program).  I could have twelve years under my belt by now!  Ah, well...  C'est la vie.  I wouldn't change anything, because I've enjoyed my life experiences, challenges included!  And I would never, never, NEVER ever give back the two and a half years I was a student at Cal.  So it's all good!

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