Thursday, July 8, 2010

Getting Ready

Classes for the nursing program begin August 30th. There is so much to be done between now and then!  I've applied for the Loan Stipend program at work, which is a biggie.  Unfortunately, I won't hear yay or nay until mid to late August...  Which seems to be cutting it kind of close.  But there are many other things that I must do, and I've been plugging away at them. 

Physical Exam?  Scheduled for this month.  Titers for my vaccines?  Complete.  Uniforms?  On order and due in next week.  Compression stockings?  We're encouraged to wear these, but the jury is still out for me...  We'll see. "Granny Panties"? (a requirement, I kid you not!)  Check.  Shoes?  Check.  I ordered and just received a pair of  Dansko Professionals...  Tried them out yesterday, and they seem alright.  Some nurses swear by them.  I like that they can be cleaned easily. 

Books?  Check.  Well, mostly...  I purchased the most important text in hard copy, ordered a few of the supplementals as Kindle ebooks on Amazon, and I have access to another at work.  $99 Supply kit, filled with practice items like a foley catheter, IV bag, practice ampule, bandage scissors, Kelly Forceps, etc.?  (This is a new requirement, that students must purchase their own practice supplies due to budget cuts...)  Yep, I went to the bookstore and bought that right away. 

Stethoscope? Check... hooray, the Littman rides again!  I've cared for it lovingly for 14 years, and now I finally get to dust it off and use it once more.  It's not a fancy Littman, no, just the basic model, but they've gotten more expensive over the years so I'm glad I have mine already.  I'm going to order a new nametag for it so that I can help ensure that it doesn't "walk"- since I've worked in a hospital I've heard many tales of stethoscopes being "accidentally" picked up by docs, etc...  In fact, if there was one item that nurses lose the most often, I bet this is it! 

CPR & First Aid certification?  Check.  Background check?  Not yet.  Liability Insurance?  Not yet.

Now for the intangibles... Positive Attitude?  Well...  I'm working on it!

At the orientation, one of the program staff members did a brief presentation on what it takes to be a successful nursing student.   Here are her 5 tips for success:

1. Be a good student/ an active participant.  Clarify things that you don't understand, be prepared
2. Manage your time well.  Study and preparation outside of class approx. 22 hours per week
3. Use your resources, including the success counselor, workshops on test taking, etc.
4. Manage your stress and anxiety--- ask for help
5. Challenge yourself- pick patients that will challenge you to learn/ complement your learning experience

I'm going to do my best to take these things to heart.

Other things I want to do to prepare myself:

ASAP, get a haircut and/or a "Brazilian Blowout"- I don't want to start the program looking like a wild woman (which, sadly, is how I go into work every night)

Take a vacation or "mini-moon"- R and I haven't taken a honeymoon yet, and I don't think we'll have time.  That's alright.  I love where we live and I feel as though I'm on vacation just roaming our neighborhood...  But we've been talking for months about getting away for a few days, and my step-daughter E would really like to take a trip.  She actually (miraculously) put on some weight recently on a road trip with her mom...  R suggested we take a trip to Monterey, which is where he proposed several years ago.  It's one of my most favorite locations on the planet, and the site of the dives for my scuba certification while in college...  So that sounds good to me!  I'm not sure how we'll work things out logistically (my employer is notorious for denying requests for time off), but we can try!

Finally, I'd like to have my name change processed before I start school, so that I don't begin as one person with one name that everyone learns only to change it.  I like my married name, so I'd like to make it offical sooner rather than later.

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