Tuesday, June 1, 2010

5 Minutes of Fame

R and I were pleased to find a picture of ourselves in our city's local magazine- our wedding photographer photographs extensively for the magazine, and also advertises there.  So his latest ad features a picture of us flying a kite on our wedding day.  It's very cute! 

What makes me happy is how happy the picture makes my husband.  He was positively gleeful when he showed me the ad-- beaming with pride.  A co-worker left a copy of the magazine at the nurses station where I work a few days ago, so I showed it to a few people.  One of them, a woman who has worked here for a long time and is familiar with my husband, exclaimed, "Wow, I've never seen him smile like that before!"  She paused, then added, "You did that."  It's true, and it's heady stuff, knowing that I'm a source of tremendous joy in his life.  He is so happy and so proud to be my husband-- he takes the time to say so.  He wears his wedding band with pride.  After dating my fair share of people and suffering my fair share of heartbreak, my good fortune in meeting him is almost unbelievable.  He cherishes me, and I cherish him.  We love one another to the same extent...  Good stuff!  It just doesn't happen all that often!

We've had fun laughing and joking about how we should "autograph" our ad...  It's cool to think that it was chosen, but most of all it's cool to think that the camera captured a vivid moment of us in celebration- it wasn't staged, it just happened.  That's one thing that I'm really glad about  as far as our wedding was concerned...  We didn't do a lot of posing for our wedding pictures.  We took the traditional family group shots, of couse, but otherwise our photographer just captured us in our "natural state".  When I look at the pictures I'm transported back to our happy day.

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